A downloadable game for Windows


Edit: the HTML version has been replaced with a Windows version!

Rythm'Drive is my contribution to the Mix & Game Jam (2020). You're playing as a car driving along a road. Your goal is to avoid the other cars slower than yours.  You'll get bonus points if you avoid them in rhythm, when the opposite cars start coming to you. How much points will you get?

Controls: Arrows to move, Spacebar to start the game

Known issues:

  • The car flow may not exactly follow the music rhythm. It will be fixed in an update after several tests.
  • At some point, the car may stop rolling for unknown reasons. Restarting the game using the restart button doesn't always fix that issue.
  • Let me know if you face any trouble!

This game follows the Mix & Game Jam (2020) following theme: mixing genre. The gameplay is based on a similar one as you'd find on the old Game&Watch consoles: avoiding obstacles coming to you. I'm adding a rhythmic aspect: the enemy waves come along the rhythm of the background music, the player has to follow that rhythm or look at the cars and wait for the right timing to get more points.

Asset credits:

Here is a link to the source code depository. You can find some of my other Unity projects on my GitHub.


Rythm'Drive (Windows).zip 25 MB

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